The School Software Company is a team of education leaders and software professionals responsible for the design, development and implementation of Sleuth, a software tracking system now used by thousands of leaders and staff in hundreds of education and care settings.

Our experience

We are a motivated and talented team with broad experience that includes school leadership, teaching, behaviour management, project management, business leadership, training, software development and product support.

Over the last sixteen years we have contributed to a huge range of diverse and successful improvement strategies, interventions, behaviour policies and pastoral systems.  Sleuth has provided thousands of leaders and staff with the information they need to monitor and evaluate practice and ensure its positive impact on outcomes for pupils and staff.  Our accumulated knowledge and experience is shared with you throughout your Sleuth Project.

We are proud of the professional rapport we have with established with many exceptional school leaders, some of whom we’ve worked with since the first release of Sleuth in 2002.  These long-term collaborations have led to some outstanding behaviour practice and continue to inform the ongoing development of Sleuth.

Our approach

We have worked with hundreds of schools on Sleuth Projects to meet a huge range of school improvement objectives and to support a vast array of different behaviour policies and pastoral systems.  Using that experience and knowledge we have developed a flexible and practical approach for successfully implementing Sleuth so that it has an immediate and positive impact in the short-term that is also sustainable over the longer-term.

Our Sleuth Advisory Team (made up of project managers, school leaders and qualified teachers) work closely with a key group of your staff to plan your project and to configure Sleuth to reflect your own policies and pastoral systems.   We visit your school to work together face to face and to deliver training to your key staff.  We can also support you via the use of live online training tools so your staff can fit their Sleuth learning around their daily school role and responsibilities.

Every Sleuth Project is driven by the Monitoring & Evaluation Schedule, our own framework for ensuring all of your key staff have 1-click access to the targeted information they need for their role.  This is a fundamental outcome of effective tracking – high quality information at your fingertips to communicate what’s taken place, to inform conversations, support and interventions and to monitor the impact of practice and improvement strategies.

If you’re ready and need to be up and running quickly, with our help you can go from ordering to launching Sleuth in a matter of hours rather than days or weeks.  The sooner you start using Sleuth, the sooner your staff can have access to high quality information for their role.

After you launch Sleuth we remain on-hand to support you, to advise and train staff and to ensure Sleuth is embedded in daily practice and continues to have a positive impact on pupil outcomes and staff well-being.  As your plans, policies and practice evolves, Sleuth does too.

Sleuth is a School Software Company Product
© 2025 School Software Company