xExample Reports

These are a small selection of examples of reports produced by Sleuth. All schools have all the tools to create and save these reports (and to share them with colleagues) so that they can be run anytime in 1-click from your Sleuth home page.

A collated report that can be used for reviewing and updating a pupil’s behaviour support plan. In this example the school has chosen to link together a range of different events, including: incidents of challenging behaviour, incidents leading to the use of physical intervention, positive recognition, lesson points, interventions and social skills and risk assessment scores. When the report is run, any pupil’s name can be selected and any time period:

A collated report focusing on behaviours directed at staff. This example includes incidents recorded over an academic year for the whole school with trends and impact (of whole school risk reduction strategies) shown per half-term. This report can be run for whole school or a cohort across any time period:

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